About 13,000 m2 for your individual requirements
Our warehousing and production halls include more than 40.000 m2 of base area. They are characterized by an excellent transportion connection as well as high-level technical equipment.
Our halls are heatable and capable of carrying 130 to unit weights. The lifting power of our warehousing cranes varies from 10 tons up to 125 tons. The height of the hooks is up to 10 m, the height of the halls reaches 14 m. The gates are 6 m wide and 5 m high. Of course we provide office and recreation rooms including fax and phone connections, rest rooms and an open depot.
A renowned packaging company has supported us for many years. Thereby we are able to offer the short-term takeover of your not packed engines and facilities, the transportation to our warehouses and the subsequent packaging by our well trained professionals. In addition we provide temporary storage capacities in our warehouses and further transportion to your customers or to European harbors.
Did we pique your interest? The halls are available at short notice in areas of your choice.
Below we have prepared some impressions of the respective hall areas available only at the location in Wetter (Ruhr).
Individual adjustments are possible at any time.
Picture gallery
Warehouse section 1
Warehouse section 2
Warehouse section 3
Warehouse section 4
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